One Wisconsin Institute v. Thomsen


One Wisconsin Institute v. Thomsen

The NRF is supporting One Wisconsin Institute and Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund, as well as individual voters, in pursuing legal action against a brazen lame duck power grab by Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature and outgoing Governor Scott Walker. Shortly after their party lost every statewide office on the ballot in November, Republicans in the state rushed to pass—and Governor Walker signed into law—restrictive voting measures, including voter ID and early-voting restrictions that will harm minority voters in Democratic leaning areas. These restrictive voting provisions are similar to provisions that were struck down in federal court in 2016. This action seeks a ruling that the early vote and voter ID provisions of the lame duck legislation violate the 2016 injunction.

Motion to Enforce the Inunction and Maintain the Status Quo (December 17, 2018)
Memorandum in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion to Enforce the Injunction and Maintain the Status Quo (December 17, 2018)

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